Excellent! Dr. Regina Arant receives the Ernst E. Boesch Young Scholar Award for Cultural Psychology

Dr. Regina Arant, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychology and Methods at Jacobs University Bremen, receives the Ernst E. Boesch Young Scholar Award for Cultural Psychology. (Source: private) ,


October 2, 2019

Many high school students spend a year abroad. Which impact does this experience have on the relationship with their home country, i.e. on their national identity? And how does the relationship with the host country develop? Dr. Regina Arant, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychology and Methods at Jacobs University Bremen, examined these questions in her dissertation "Who You Are Depends on Where You Are  – The Impact of a High School Year Abroad on the National and Host Country Identity of German Exchange Students". For this work she has now been honored with the Ernst-E-Boesch Young Scholar Award 2019.

The prize, which is awarded by the Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie (Society for Cultural Psychology), commemorates the cultural psychologist Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ernst E. Boesch. It honors merits in the promotion and dissemination of scientific cultural psychology by researching human forms of experience, knowledge and action embedded in their cultural and historical structure. For her lifetime achievement, the Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie honored Prof. Patricia Greenfield, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California in Los Angeles.

It is not the first time that Dr. Regina Arant's dissertation is honored. The Unifreunde Bremen awarded her the Bremen Study Prize for outstanding theses. She was also honored with the "Mixed Methods Prize" by the Association for the Promotion of Qualitative Research.