Exhibit your work: Art Fest at Jacobs University Bremen

The Art Fest at Jacobs University is bound to be exciting. (Source: Chandler Liu) ,


March 15, 2019

How do feelings influence our everyday life? This exciting question will be explored at Jacobs University Bremen from 3rd to 4th May 2019. Contrary to expectations, not in the laboratory: during this year's Art Fest, the campus in Bremen-Nord will once again be transformed into an open forum for art – with dance and theatre, workshops, poems, performances, photos and lots of paintings. One thing is certain: it will be colorful!

"Emotions" is the motto of this year's Art Fest at Jacobs University Bremen. The event is organized by students on their own initiative. The aim of the exhibition is to express the range of emotions that life holds in store for us in creative ways – with the help of colors. There are no limits to creativity: "The theme of emotions relates and yet is experienced by each and every single person in completely different ways" says main organizer Regina Velazquez. The 22-year-old is studying Industrial Engineering and Management in her 6th semester. The organization team is enthusiastic about the many entries from artists, students and hobby painters from Bremen, Lower Saxony and Hamburg. Jacobs University’s students come from more than 100 countries. A joint exhibition between the colorful Jacobs community and local art enthusiasts is bound to be exciting: "We believe that art can act as a bridge between different communities and bring people together" says Paty Quirós from the organization team at Jacobs University. She coordinates the team's Public Relations. She is convinced that "Jacobs students and external artists could greatly benefit from exhibiting their work together."

Being able to see one's own work in an exhibition is a very special feeling. With this in mind: apply now!

More information can be found at www.artfestjacobs.com   

Please send your applications (incl. pictures of the art work, if possible) by the 6th of April to artfest.submissions [at] gmail.com