Experiencing Diversity: The Degree Programs in Diversity at Jacobs University in Bremen

,   July 13, 2016 “I really enjoy the intensive communication with the professors. They do ask a lot, but they also give you all the support you need,” says Käthe Neuss. The 18-year-old is studying International Business Administration at the English-language Jacobs University – one of the five Bachelor Programs in the Focus Area Diversity at the international university. All these Bachelor Programs view diversity as the motor in the development of a modern, global society. All the degree programs have an international alignment, are consistently interdisciplinary, and have a strong practical orientation. The three-year International Business Administration degree program combines elements of corporate leadership and management with an international perspective, preparing students specifically for work in a multinational environment. Along with the integration of information technologies, the influence of cultural aspects upon business activities also plays a big role in the various business areas. Like all degree programs at the private Jacobs University, the students complete a multi-month internship or study for a semester at a partner university abroad.  “They make it very easy here to find out what you really want,” says Juliana Villegas. “You can take courses in many areas and don’t have to decide on a major until the second year.” The young woman from Colombia has decided upon Global Economics and Management. The program covers international challenges such as the economic and financial crisis, poverty, destruction of the environment, and shortages of resources. These things can be countered only through commitment and cooperation among many institutions, ranging from innovative companies to international organizations to non-governmental organizations. The instruments available to them are covered by the course of study. “I especially appreciate the transdisciplinarity at Jacobs University. It enables me to deal with neighboring disciplines, which has greatly expanded my range of options after finishing my degree,” thinks Ifrah Khanyaree from India, who has just finished her Bachelor Degree in Psychology. The course of study focuses on the theoretical understanding and empirical investigation of human experience and behavior, as well as the application of psychological findings in practical situations. In this context, scientific research methods are used that view people as biological, social, and cultural creatures. The interaction and communication among individuals or groups in a globalized world make up a particular focus of this course of study. “In my degree program, I like the structure of the courses and the great flexibility. Very few of my courses have just a test as a grade component. Mostly it is a mix of participation, presentations, projects, posters, essays, and tests. We have professors who take time for us, and discussion in the lectures and seminars is not only desired, but encouraged,” says Gesa Maria Körte. In her area of International Relations: Politics and History, students are introduced to the development of the international political and economic system. As usual at Jacobs University, the degree program has a transdisciplinary structure. It encompasses topics such as international politics and international law, financial studies, and intercultural communication. Successful graduates have many options – diplomatic service, international organizations, consulting, and management activities. Others continue their studies at top universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, and Science Po. The Integrated Social Sciences degree program is also part of the Focus Area Diversity. Students learn how modern societies have developed – and how they work. In particular, current challenges, such as the development of megacities, threats from terrorism, environmental hazards, and poverty are among the topics addressed. None of them can be encompassed through the lens of a single discipline. Therefore, the course of study combines the disciplines of political science, economics, sociology, and communication. It gives students a comprehensive, general perspective of human behavior and social organizations. “Through this program, my understanding of societies and their challenges has been completely turned around,” emphasizes Henrieke Max, who finished her Bachelor Degree this summer and is now continuing with a Master Degree in sociology at Oxford. “Thanks to this course of study, I have internalized the attitude of not to depend on compartmentalized, single-discipline thinking but instead to view and approach problems comprehensively. I will profit from that my whole life long, both professionally and personally.” Additional information:http://www.jacobs-university.de/study/undergraduate/programs/international-business-administration http://www.jacobs-university.de/study/undergraduate/programs/global-economics-and-management http://www.jacobs-university.de/study/undergraduate/programs/psychologyhttp://www.jacobs-university.de/study/undergraduate/programs/international-relations-politics-and-history http://www.jacobs-university.de/study/undergraduate/programs/integrated-social-sciences