Exploring Sustainability



August 20, 2015

How can I make sustainability a part of my everyday life? Do different cultural backgrounds have an influence on global consumption of resources? These are two of the questions twelve students from the USA and Germany with different disciplinary backgrounds set out to find the answers to at the Green Summer Camp at Jacobs University. High notes at the end of the camp were various excursions, like a trip on the research vessel Aldebaran in Hamburg. “The excursion on the Aldebaran was naturally more than fitting for our Green Summer Camp.

The international engagement and research work of the Aldebaran on the oceans of the world touch on questions of sustainability almost everywhere you look. The insights into the practical side of research the students found on board were tremendously rewarding”, agree Camp Leader Ramona Mayr and Christopher Olk from InterCultur gGmbH. “The relevance of the combination of oceanography, communication, and environmental journalism for sustainable development was made very clear!”