First get your bearings, then your degree: Foundation Year at Jacobs University in Germany

,  June 29, 2016 A degree? Yes! But which one? And where? With the Foundation Year, Jacobs University in Bremen is offering young people the opportunity to find out what they really want. At one of Germany’s top private English-language universities, you can try things out for a year before deciding on a course of study. What do I really like to do? What am I good at? What do I want to be? Guided by a personal academic advisor and a student mentor, the participants in the Foundation Year have 12 months to find out. Like their classmates in bachelor programs, they live on campus and take part in seminars, lectures, and lab courses. They can participate in one of the numerous student clubs in the areas of sports, culture, and social activities. Jacobs University is Germany’s most international university. About 1,200 students from more than 100 countries make up a close-knit, mutually inspiring community. The university offers majors in the natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, the social sciences, and economics. Class sizes are small, hence there is close interaction with faculty members and fellow students. The different majors have repeatedly received top places in German and international rankings. The contents of the two-semester program consist of required introductory courses in which students can take look at various disciplines and familiarize themselves with the methods of academic work. After intensive personalized consultation with their advisors, the participants take courses they select themselves in the areas of the natural sciences, economics, and social sciences. In doing so, they get to know the programs of study and gain more in-depth knowledge. German language courses can also be selected. All of the participants can also take an SAT test, which is required of applicants wishing to attend American universities. Participation in undergraduate courses is part of the program. Of the ECTS credits earned in the program, up to 40 can be transferred to a later degree program at Jacobs University. In fact, all those who successfully complete the Foundation Year are automatically eligible to study at Jacobs University. Additional information at:–admission