The Fountain of Youth formula decoded: new book by Prof. Dr. Sven C. Voelpel

Prof. Dr. Sven C. Voelpel has been teaching and researching at Jacobs University in Bremen since 2004. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


September 14, 2020
With his book "Entscheide selbst, wie alt Du bist“ (You decide how old you are), Dr. Sven C. Voelpel, Professor of Business Administration at Jacobs University Bremen, has had a Spiegel bestseller. His latest book also deals with the topic of aging and promises to be as successful as his last work. Under the title "Die Jungbrunnenformel – Wie wir bis ins hohe Alter gesund bleiben" (The fountain of youth formula – How we stay healthy into old age) the book will be published by Rowohlt Polaris on 15 September.

Professor Voelpel is convinced that old age has less to do with the years of life than with inner attitude. It forms the basis for another six factors, which he identifies in his book as significantly important for our health and a slower aging process. As further elements of the fountain of youth formula the age researcher mentions nutrition, exercise, sleep, breathing, relaxation as well as social contacts: "Our possibilities to grow old healthy and happy are greater than we often think," says Voelpel.

, "Die Jungbrunnenformel – Wie wir bis ins hohe Alter gesund bleiben” (The Fountain of Youth Formula - How we stay healthy into old age) by Prof. Dr. Sven C. Voelpel will be published on September 15. (Source: Rowohlt Polaris)

In order to make this knowledge accessible to everyone, the 46-year-old has compiled background information and practical tips to improve well-being and reduce the risk of falling ill.

Prof. Dr. Sven C. Voelpel has been teaching and researching at Jacobs University in Bremen since 2004. His focus is on demographic change as well as change processes and leadership behavior in companies. The researcher is the founder of the WISE Demography Network at Jacobs University, in which scientists and companies work together to find solutions to demographically related personnel problems. As a scientific partner, Voelpel was in charge of the exhibition "Ey Alter".

Sven C. Voelpel: Die Jungbrunnenformel – Wie wir bis ins hohe Alter gesund bleiben. Rowohlt Polaris; 16,00 Euro (published on September 15th).

Questions are answered by:
Prof. Dr. Sven Voelpel | Professor of Business Administration
s.voelpel [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-3467 |  Mobile: + 49 175 2694896