Future Engineers Meet Up on Campus of Jacobs University in Bremen

,  July 24, 2016 “It will be a great experience,” says Freia Hardt, who is one of the organizers of the International Summer Camp taking place at Jacobs University this week. 96 high school students from all over the world are about to attend the International Summer Camp at Jacobs University, a private, English-language university in Germany. As well as taking part in workshops such as “The Mathematics of Games” or “Renewable Energy”, the participants will also meet with young people from more than 16 nations. The Summer Camp at Jacobs University, in collaboration with the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Association of German Engineers), is taking place from July 24–30, 2016, and addresses young people in their last three years of high school. The camp offers eight workshops as well as excursions off campus. In order to experience campus life, the young students are hosted on campus just like the real students during the spring and fall semesters.  Based on the question “Can’t we do things better?”, the workshops focus on developing possible, better solutions to current real world problems. The workshops cover the STEM disciplines (mathematics, information science, natural science, and technology) but also focus on issues in social sciences, the humanities, and environmental sciences. The broad scientific approach during the International Summer Camp is normal for students participating in undergraduate and graduate study programs at Jacobs University. Due to different nationalities and cultural backgrounds, the attendees will gain new perspectives and opinions, which is also one of the core principles of Jacobs University.