Future prospects within reach: Career Fair at the Jacobs University Bremen

Career Fair: Over 1300 visitors took the opportunity to network and make contacts with potential employers (Source: Jacobs University) ,


February 28, 2019

Excellently qualified, internationally-minded, committed in a variety of ways: Jacobs University’s students are much sought-after by employers. This became evident once again at the fifth career fair of the English-speaking university, where 40 companies, organizations and research institutions presented themselves. Over 1300 visitors took the opportunity to network and make contacts with potential employers. Everyone agreed: the visit was well worth it.

“Jacobs University is internationally oriented and offers courses such as Data Engineering and Molecular Biology that are very relevant to us,” explained Eva Lobentanz, Senior HR at Roche.  International companies such as Accenture, Daimler, the Eckes-Granini Group, KPMG, Roche and Google had a stand. Representatives of the European Union, the Federal Labour Office and the German Society for International Cooperation were also present. Research institutions such as the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research or the International Max Planck Research School of Marine Microbiology also promoted themselves.

Once again, the “Startup Corner” got quickly crowded. Graduates of Jacobs University who had set up their own business, introduced their company and talked about their experiences as founders. These included Alexandru Popa, co-founder of Nuzzera, a news platform and Devashish Tikekar and Alexander Taskov, who jointly launched CrunchTime GmbH, a platform for a healthy lifestyle. The CrunchTime founders fondly remembered their time as students of Jacobs University: “We were like one big family from all corners of the world”. Therefore, it is important to them to give back to the community. “We are here today to offer current students great internship opportunities in a young and dynamic company, helping them to learn and grow”, said Tikekar and Taskov.

Alumni and HR managers from various companies also gave numerous workshops on career related topics at the career fair. The Chamber of Commerce for Bremen was once again patron of this event. “Jacobs University serves as a talent pool; ensuring the successful development of Germany’s and especially Bremen’s economy”, summarized Janina Marahrens-Hashagen, President of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce.