Getting students enthusiastic about STEM subjects

Professor Franceso Maurelli offered an online workshop for high school students on autonomous driving as part of the MINT-EC Digital Forum. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


March 9, 2021

Autonomous driving is no longer an elusive utopia, but almost a tangible reality. What are the challenges for mass introduction? What technologies underlie its mode of operation? How can safety be ensured? These are some of the questions that Dr. Franceso Maurelli, Professor in Marine Robotics at Jacobs University Bremen, discussed with high school students in an online workshop as part of the MINT-EC Digital Forum. The event was organized by the MINT-EC, a German school network promoting STEM subjects.

As a university with a strong focus on teaching and research in the natural and technical sciences, Jacobs University has long been committed to the early promotion of scientific talent.

In order to spark the students' curiosity in his workshop on autonomous driving and encourage them to participate actively, Professor Maurelli integrated many interactive elements. "Talking to young people about autonomous driving is always a great experience. The participants in my workshop were very curious and talented." He said many were particularly surprised by the complexity of the topic. "Autonomous driving is not just about technology. Social, ethical and legal aspects also play a major role and were discussed during the workshop," Professor Maurelli emphasized.

The MINT-EC Digital Forum 2021, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, offered participating students orientation in the educational market, the opportunity to network and participate in numerous workshops, expert lectures and panels. The abbreviation STEM (German: MINT) stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The MINT-EC association, a national network of 332 schools with secondary education that promote the subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, organized the online event. The association has a wide range of offers for students, teachers and school administrators.

Questions are answered by:
Dr. Francesco Maurelli
Professor in Marine System with focus on Marine Robotics
Tel. +49 421 200-3111
E-Mail: f.maurelli [at]