Graduation – then what? The opportunities of a bridge year
Contact:Kristina Logemann | Brand Management, Marketing & Communicationsk.logemann [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-4454
10 October 2016
Considering the more than 18,000 courses of study in Germany, it can give you something to brood about: what to study? A bridge year can help you make the decision. On October 29th, Jacobs University is cooperating with the Career Counseling firm of Struss und Partner to present their preparatory study programs along with strategies for selecting a degree program. The event on the campus of the international university in Bremen is free of charge. Registration is possible through October 23rd.
Contact:Kristina Logemann | Brand Management, Marketing & Communicationsk.logemann [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-4454