Graduation – then what? The opportunities of a bridge year


10 October 2016

Considering the more than 18,000 courses of study in Germany, it can give you something to brood about: what to study? A bridge year can help you make the decision. On October 29th, Jacobs University is cooperating with the Career Counseling firm of Struss und Partner to present their preparatory study programs along with strategies for selecting a degree program. The event on the campus of the international university in Bremen is free of charge. Registration is possible through October 23rd.

What do I want, and what is right for me? Often it is particularly the gifted graduates and those with many interests who have the most difficulty in deciding upon a certain course of study. The better the grade average, the greater the selection of degree programs. However, a bridge year is also especially appropriate when the grade average in secondary school is inadequate for the desired degree program. It helps students find their way and gives them orientation in a jungle of options. At Parents Information Day, parents and students grade 10 and above can get information about different programs. Ragnhild Struss, founder and owner of the Hamburg career consulting firm of Struss und Partner, as well as professors and employees at Jacobs University, explains the benefits and possibilities of a bridge year. The day program consists of workshops, campus and lab tours, and "take-a-look" lectures for students. Jacobs University offers various programs as a reaction to the demand for bridge years. In the Foundation Year young people can try things out for a year before deciding upon a degree program. The contents of the two-semester program are put together following intensive personal counseling. They consist of some required introductory courses in various areas, in which the students can take look at different disciplines and familiarize themselves with the methods of academic work. For those interested in studying medicine, a preparatory year is often actually necessary in order to obtain the required qualifications for admission. The Medical Preparatory Year at Jacobs University is aimed at this group. Seminars in anatomy, biology, or physics are part of the program, along with lab courses and a multi-week period of practical work in a hospital. The partner for the training is the Bremen hospital group Gesundheit Nord. Overview of the workshops:Mind the Gap: Turning the gap into a bridge – how to make the best use of the time between secondary school graduation and a university degree program.From Medicine to Liberal Arts: What is right for my child?Orientation and qualification – Find your way to a degree program through the Foundation YearGet Out of the Queue – Get started on your medical degree with the Medical Preparatory Year  Additional information and registration at:

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