Growing student numbers and excellent results in international university ranking

Record growth: With over 610 enrolments, the number of new students is the largest in the history of Jacobs University (Source: Jacobs University). ,


November 21, 2019

Record growth at Jacobs University: At the beginning of the semester 2019/2020, the English-medium university welcomes over 610 new students to its campus in Bremen, the largest group of freshmen in its history to date. The high demand for the coveted study places is brought forward by the excellent international reputation of Jacobs University: According to the recently published Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking 2020, Jacobs University ranks among the 25 percent of the best universities worldwide.

Bachelor students are by far the largest group with 407 new enrollments, followed by graduate students (84) and the Foundation Year, Jacobs University's academic preparation year (65). By the end of September, Jacobs University had also welcomed 43 new doctoral students as well as 14 exchange students. Thus, over 1.570 students from more than 120 countries are currently studying at Jacobs University.

With more than 610 enrolments, the number of new students is the largest in the history of Jacobs University. In the field of Undergraduate Education alone an increase of 30 percent compared to the previous year was achieved. "The high growth is also based on Jacobs University's consistently excellent results in international university rankings," says Bannour Hadroug, member of Jacobs University's Management Board.

According to the THE-World University Ranking 2020, Jacobs University ranks among the 25 percent of the best universities worldwide. Almost 1.400 universities from all over the world are represented in this year’s ranking.

Internationality, diversity and academic excellence are the foundations of the young university's student body. Living and learning on campus quickly sensitizes the "freshies" to be cosmopolitan, tolerant and empathetic. "It is always inspiring to see how young people from different nations form a community in such a short time," says Hadroug, who is responsible for Student Marketing and Recruitment. The most represented countries of origin among the students are Germany (18 percent), India (8.7 percent), Pakistan (5.8 percent), Nepal (6.6 percent), closely followed by China (4.8 percent), the US (4.2 percent), Albania (3.8 Prozent), Ethiopia (2.7 percent), South Korea (2.5 percent) and Morocco (2.2 percent).

Professor Werner Nau, Dean at Jacobs University, is pleased that there is a particularly strong demand for STEM-subjects; the abbreviation stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. "Jacobs University has been supporting the promotion of talents for years and is active in various school networks in order to give young people an early insight into a scientist's everyday work – the popularity of natural sciences and technical subjects in particular confirms our course," says the chemistry professor. The most popular courses among bachelor students are Computer Science, followed by Industrial Engineering and Management, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Electrical and Computer Engineering, International Business Administration and International Relations: Politics and History.