HANSA-FLEX Foundation: Solidarity Scholarship for the Master Program "Data Science for Society and Business"

The HANSA-FLEX Foundation, represented by its Chairman Thorsten Armerding, awards a full tuition scholarship for the DSSB master program at Jacobs University. (Source: HANSA-FLEX Foundation) ,


June 16, 2021
The Bremen-based HANSA-FLEX Foundation is awarding a 2-year full tuition scholarship for the new master program "Data Science for Society and Business" (DSSB) at Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany. Through the solidarity scholarship, the Foundation intends to support young, outstanding academics who would like to use their research and academic degree in the field of data science to strengthen democratic development in their home country.

, HANSA-FLEX Foundation

In the spirit of Joachim Armerding, founder of the HANSA-FLEX Foundation, this is in line with the Foundation's primary objective of supporting talented young people. The full tuition scholarship adds an international component to this original goal, by offering the future scholarship holder an excellent education, and the opportunity to help shape the democratic, social and economic living conditions in his/her/their home country in a sustainable and future-oriented way. "With increasing digitalization, the science of data is coming into focus, to critically process, prepare and analyze the huge amounts of data in order to find the right answers to the social questions of today and tomorrow," said Thorsten Armerding, Chairman of the HANSA-FLEX Foundation.

By awarding the scholarship, the HANSA-FLEX Foundation also aims to strengthen the international perception of Bremen as a location for science, research and education. "We are very pleased to be able to continue our long-standing cooperation with the HANSA-FLEX Foundation within the framework of this solidarity scholarship," said Professor Thomas Auf der Heyde, Managing Director and Provost of Jacobs University.

Prerequisites for the funding are excellent academic performance, above-average determination, and the willingness to jointly use the skills learned for the benefit of the general public in the respective home country. Students of social sciences and economics, but also of natural sciences or humanities, can apply directly to Jacobs University for the Solidarity Scholarship until 15 July 2021.

Digital data is a valuable resource for society and economy. It is considered the oil of the 21st century. The focus of the interdisciplinary, English-language master program DSSB at Jacobs University is how digital data can be obtained, processed, and used sustainably. The degree opens up excellent future prospects for graduates in many professional fields. By applying data science expertise, they can observe in real time how social and societal life unfolds, how networks grow, or how social dynamics and innovation emerge. These insights can be used to better decipher and predict the logic of social behavior, opinion formation and economic trends.

In December 2012, Bremen-based entrepreneur Joachim Armerding, who laid the foundations for today's HANSA-FLEX AG with a one-man business in 1962, established the HANSA-FLEX Foundation. The purpose of the foundation is to promote education, adult education, and vocational training, including student aid.