How should future-oriented urban development look like?



March 29, 2018

Every two years the GEWOBA Aktiengesellschaft Wohnen und Bauen, an organization within Bremen’s real estate industry, is awarding students of social sciences with a prize for outstanding papers on future-oriented urban development. Thereto, an open and not anonymous collegiate competition of ideas is advertised by the GEWOBA, to which socio-scientific papers of different types can be submitted. The competition is carried out in corporation with the University of Bremen and the Jacobs University Bremen.
The goal of offering this award publicly is to encourage students of the social sciences to get more involved in the subject of habitation and to receive suggestions for the practice. This year’s competition is focussing on the living-situation of children in cities. To give room to a variety of creative ideas and approaches and to gather new understandings and perspectives, the assignment of the task and its wide group of participants is intentionally chosen.
For more information:

English: Goals of the Award and Further

German: Wettbewerbsausschreibung und weiterführende