Insights into the world of finance: Bankhaus Lampe Finance Day at Jacobs University


Matthias Kramer, Head of Business Operations at Jacobs University, Professor Stephan Schüller, spokesperson for the personally liable shareholders of Bankhaus Lampe KG, Professor Katja Windt, president of Jacobs University and Christoph Lattemann, Professor of Business Administration and Information Management at Jacobs University.

March 20, 2017

For the first time, Bankhaus Lampe issued an invitation to a Finance Day at Jacobs University in mid-March. Students, parents, and interested parties had an opportunity to listen to expert presentations by select lecturers on the topic of finance. With about 75 guests, the theme day was a great success.

The diverse program encompassed insights into the world of the finances and the work of Bankhaus Lampe, and also illustrated complex issues in a clear way. For instance, the expert presentations of the select experts provided summary illustrations of various approaches. The position of Bankhaus Lampe was also presented in this way. The banking house is among the leading independent private banks in Germany.

In her welcoming address, Professor Katja Windt, President of Jacobs University, expressed her gratitude, underscoring the future value of such a theme day: “We are very pleased to join Bankhaus Lampe in holding the Finance Day. For our students, these practical insights are of great importance. Combined with the degree programs, it provides essential preparation for professional life.”

In his presentation, Professor Stephan Schüller, spokesperson for the personally liable shareholders of Bankhaus Lampe KG, emphasised the importance of an exchange on the academic level: “The entire banking sector is in a period of transformation”, Schüller stated. “The strategic dialog with academia and with young people provides important impulses for our work. It is our duty as a private bank to develop contemporary solutions for the benefit of our customers; for that reason, we are very happy to take advantage of occasions such as this one here at Jacobs University Bremen.”