Insights into the World of Tomorrow: International Technology Conference Hosted by the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology and Jacobs University Bremen

What should participants expect? Workshops, lectures and discussion panels will focus on four topics: quantum technology; innovative materials; and the application of artificial intelligence in the world of business and finance, and in life and materials sciences. (Source: Schaffhausen Institute of Technology) ,


December 6, 2021
How can innovative technologies, such as quantum mechanics, machine learning or artificial intelligence contribute to a better, more sustainable world? Leading international science and business representatives will debate about the positive impact of these technologies across highly diverse areas, such as the economy, education and science. The SIT & JUB Insights in Technology Conference will take place both online and on campus at Jacobs University in Bremen on December 15th and 16th, 2021. The most prominent speaker will be Physics Nobel Laureate Sir Konstantin Novoselov, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the National University of Singapore.

This hybrid event is expected to attract over 6,000 online participants from around the world, as well as some 200 on-site guests. Workshops, lectures and discussion panels will focus on four topics: quantum technology; innovative materials; and the application of artificial intelligence in the world of business and finance, and in life and materials sciences. Registration is open for individual talks or for the entire conference.

Leading the debates on these topics are renowned scientists: Mete Atature, Professor of Quantum Physics at the University of Cambridge; Andrey Ustyuzhanin, Professor of Big Data Analysis at HSE University in Moscow; Fabio Pammolli, Professor of Economics and Management at Milan Polytechnic; and Andrea Ferrari, Professor of Nanotechnology and founder of the Cambridge Graphene Center. Internationally renowned scientists and experts from Jacobs University will also take part: Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Andreas Birk, along with Jacobs alumni specialists from the technology and business sector Dr. Cornelia Scheitz, Hashem Al-Ghaili, Ankur Modi, and Kevin Korte.

The third annual conference is a joint effort by SIT and JUB and takes a special look at the interdisciplinarity of transformative science technologies and how they can shape a better and more sustainable world. “Both SIT and JUB are places of interdisciplinary excellence in science, technology, and education. With this global event we highlight Bremen on the world map as a world-class destination for science and education", said Serguei Beloussov, Founder and Chairman of the Board of SIT and founder of Acronis.

"I look forward to meeting so many outstanding experts," added Thomas Auf der Heyde, Provost and Managing Director of Jacobs University. "We will discuss topics on our campus that will shape our future. Thus, the conference will also send out impulses to the Bremen region."

The on-site portion of the event will take place subject to and in compliance with all required Corona regulations, including the currently mandatory 2G check. Only persons fully vaccinated against or recovered from COVID-19 will be able to participate in the event. Should live participation no longer be possible due to governmental restrictions, the entire conference will take place online.
For more information and to register, visit:
Note for editorial offices and journalists:
If you would like to attend the SIT & JUB Insights in Technology Conference 2021 (on campus or online), please send your request to presse [at]

About SIT:
Founded in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in 2019, the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT - is a Swiss international educational and research institution with the mission to develop knowledge through science. SIT addresses global challenges through science, technology, and education. This flagship project relies on a network of industry and other partners, including the world’s top-ranking universities and leading computers, physics, and business scientists.
It consists of an educational institute, a research center, and an extensive internal and external ecosystem that collaborates with some of the world’s leading academic and scientific institutions, including Carnegie-Mellon University, the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Jacobs University Bremen (JUB).
SIT offers Master’s, Ph.D., and PostDoc programs at the intersection of eight focus areas: Quantum Technology, Advanced Materials, Software Engineering, Machine Intelligence and Computer Science (MICS), Quantum Business Science (QuBus), Life Sciences, Autonomous Systems and Robotics, Cyber Protection and Information Integrity.
SIT ecosystem includes SIT Campus, SIT StartGarden, SIT Autonomous, SIT Capital, SIT Alemira, SIT Academy, SIT Rolos, Jacobs University Bremen and other companies.
For inquiries regarding the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology, please contact: press [at]
About Jacobs University Bremen:
Studying in an international community. Obtaining a qualification to work on responsible tasks in a digitized and globalized society. Learning, researching and teaching across academic disciplines and countries. Strengthening people and markets with innovative solutions and advanced training programs. This is what Jacobs University Bremen stands for. Established as a private, English-medium campus university in Germany in 2001, it is continuously achieving top results in national and international university rankings. Its more than 1,500 students come from more than 110 countries with around 80% having relocated to Germany for their studies. Jacobs University’s research projects are funded by the German Research Foundation or the EU Research and Innovation program as well as by globally leading companies.
Heiko Lammers | Corporate Communications & Public Relations
h.lammers [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-4532