International Christmas market at Jacobs University

Students of Jacobs University will organize a Christmas market on Friday, December 6, 2019 at college Nordmetall. (Source: Shutterstock) ,


December 2, 2019

Gingerbread, mulled wine and great craftsmanship: the annual Christmas market at Jacobs University leaves nothing to be desired. This year, the student organized event will take place on Friday, December 6, 2019, at college Nordmetall in good tradition. Everyone, small and larger guests alike, are cordially invited to celebrate St. Nicholas Day starting at 6 p.m. together with students and the employees of Jacobs University.

17 stalls await the visitors with a wide range of offerings arranged by students from all four of Jacobs University’s colleges. In addition to numerous delicacies, various hands-on activities will also be offered, such as a photo station for winter snapshots. "Santa Claus will also be there," says Edgardo José Reyes Martinez, part of the organization team. "Of course, he will also distribute chocolate and sweets – to all those who have been good throughout the year," adds the Mexican-born student at Jacobs University Biochemistry and Cell Biology with a wink.

Live Music will ensure a lively atmosphere: "A group of students will be playing Christmas music in the evening. Visitors can also look forward to dance performances," Edgardo explains. The Christmas market also offers many ideas for gifts: in exchange of voluntary donations, talented students offer beautiful decorative articles and small accessories –  each artwork is unique. All donations will be made available to the student-led initiative “Make a Wish”, which fulfills Christmas wishes of local children.

Questions will be answered by Edgardo José Reyes Martinez: e.reyes [at]