International symposium at Jacobs University deals with fluorine compounds

 June 30, 2016  Our everyday lives are no longer conceivable without fluorine – it is an important component of medications and of substances used in agriculture; it is also contained in clothing, pans, and displays. These applications and the latest findings in fluorine research are discussed by representatives from industry, business and academia on the campus of Jacobs University from July 3rd to 7th. In addition to oral and poster presentations, it is primarily an opportunity for an exchange of information and networking between business and science, between countries, and between generations. Since 2001 the experts have been coming together regularly in this conference format to discuss current research. Prof. Dr. Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler, Professor of Chemistry and the host at Jacobs University, expects 150 participants from more than 20 countries this year in Bremen, who will meet for five days on the campus of the international university – in order to report, listen, discuss, learn from one another, and make new contacts. The program includes numerous lectures and presentations of scientific posters. The core topic is new methods for the production and use of organic fluorine compounds in materials science, medicine, and agrochemicals. The conference participants are not avoiding critical topics, either, such as the scarcity of naturally occurring calcium fluoride, and environmental aspects. “Fluorine and fluorochemicals are as popular as they are relevant to our everyday lives. In light of this fact, we want to exchange views and information and take first steps toward cooperative projects, so that we can remain well girded for all future challenges,” says Prof. Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler. Fluorinated compounds are found, among other things, in Teflon ® pans, coolants, and lithium ion batteries. Furthermore, they provide brilliantly sharp images on displays. Fluorinated compounds are also playing an increasingly important role in medicine, being used not only in anesthesia but also in powerful medications, such as antibiotics. Fluorinated substances are also involved in PET methods, a medical imaging method used to detect tumors and heart conditions.  Additional information at: