Jacobs Career Fair 2019 – a Hub of Opportunities for Students and Employers



February 19, 2019

The Alumni and Career Services Center invites students of all disciplines and all classes to join this year’s Career Fair.

The Career Fair is an exclusive opportunity for students from all over the world to come together with a wide variety of companies, global players, research institutions, and graduate schools. Jacobs University is also looking forward to welcoming students from all neighboring universities and schools in the region.

Following tradition, the entire Jacobs University Campus Center will be full with different networking opportunities- from one-on-one exchanges at company booths, to presentations and workshops, and even interactive seminars.

The Career Fair is taking place on February 27th, 2019.
Exhibitor booths will be open from 14:00 – 18:00
Company and Alumni Presentations will run from 12:30 – 18:00
The Networking Reception (only for invited guests, sponsored by Eckes-Granini) will start at 18:30
In the past five years, the Jacobs Career Fair has grown to be able to welcome over 1400 attendees (students) and approximately 40 exhibitors on campus. This year, the Career Services Center looks forward to welcoming more exhibitors and students than ever before. Jacobs University is hosting the fifth-ever Career Fair together with the Handelskammer Bremen and is looking forward to creating a wealth of opportunities for students and employers alike.

Stop by the Career Fair and see what opportunities await!

For a closer look into the Career Fair Program, please click here.
