Jacobs Team at the EUROBORON in Barcelona

Just about everyone involved in boron chemistry in Europe was present at EUROBORON9 in Barcelona from 3 - 7 July 2022. (Source: Jacobs University) ,

July 21, 2022

Just about everyone involved in boron chemistry in Europe was present at EUROBORON9 in Barcelona from 3 - 7 July 2022. This conference takes place only every three years, and gives scientists, students, and professionals the opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the field. Among the presenters was a team from Jacobs University led by Professor Detlef Gabel, Wisdom Professor of Chemistry.

The participating team consisted of post-doc Mahmoud Khalaf Al-Joumhawy, Jacobs graduates Tarek Marei and Moheera Noor and third year-student Gabriela Ramos, all of them from the study program Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Their research interest lies with developing certain synthetic boron clusters with unique properties that could one day yield new and potentially practical solutions to important problems in science and medicine. Therefore, all of their five presentations were held under the topic of “Boron Cluster Chemistry and its applications”.

Boron clusters have recently been identified as new and unusual pharmacophores in medicinal chemistry.
“Being able to connect with scientists from all over Europe and discussing our research was a valuable experience. The insights we gained motivate us to carry on working on this important topic,” Gabriela Ramos said.

More about EUROBORON: