Jacobs University and Fraunhofer IME signed MoU

The memorandum of understanding offers students from Jacobs University Bremen the chance to participate in research projects of Fraunhofer IME. Photo: Jacobs University ,


June 11, 2018

Jacobs University Bremen and the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, today (June 11th, 2018) announce their intention to set up a new strategic collaboration to establish joint research projects in the area of antibiotic drug discovery and promote the exchange of students, researchers and educators between the institutions.

Through this partnership, Fraunhofer IME will offer Jacobs University undergraduate students the opportunity to be actively involved in Fraunhofer IME’s scientific research agenda, either by enrolling in an internship program or by completing a research project as part of their Bachelor thesis studies. Active involvement of undergraduates in ongoing interdisciplinary research projects at Fraunhofer IME will support the scientific education of the students, and help them to establish future careers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

The Fraunhofer IME offers internships in a wide range of experimental and computational disciplines within the economically important Life Science sector, with a focus on drug discovery and development. Doctoral students working at Fraunhofer IME in Hamburg will also be enrolled in PhD programs of Jacobs University.

As part of the collaboration, Fraunhofer IME will share its know-how in applied research and modern drug discovery methods.  Experienced scientists from Fraunhofer IME in Hamburg will offer courses, lectures and seminars at Jacobs University, in particular as an integral part of the undergraduate Bachelors program, Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology.  

Fraunhofer IME and Jacobs University also intend to exchange scientific staff, in order to share the complementary expertise existing at both institutions. In future, both partners envisage jointly recruiting scientists for shared positions, to help efficiently advance common research projects, particularly those focused on discovering the next generation of treatments against bacterial infections. The potent strategic collaboration will build upon a pre-existing 5-year record of cooperation involving Jacobs and the Fraunhofer IME, which has already attracted substantial funding under the European Union framework programs.

Prof. Werner Nau, Dean of Jacobs University Bremen: “The strategic partnership with the Fraunhofer IME will strengthen our teaching and research in the area Health with a focus on bioactive substances. Our students will get the opportunity to participate in challenging projects which are of prime interest to the pharmaceutical industry.”

Dr. Björn Windshügel, Head of Structure-based drug design at Fraunhofer IME: »We are very excited about this collaboration as it will not only advance antibacterial drug discovery research in Northern Germany but also offers various opportunities for joint education of students«.

Questions will be answered by:
Prof. Dr. Werner Nau | Jacobs University Bremen
w.nau [at] jacobs-university.de| Tel.: +49 421 200-4339
Dr. Björn Windshügel | Fraunhofer IME
bjoern.windshuegel [at] ime.fraunhofer.de | Tel.: +49 40 303764-286

About the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME:
The Fraunhofer IME conducts research in the field of applied life sciences from a molecular level to entire ecosystems. Our interdisciplinary organization and laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment including GMP facilities and complex facilities for environmental simulations, allow a wide spectrum of research and development services in the divisions ʺMolecular Biotechnologyʺ, ʺApplied Ecology and Bioresourcesʺ and ʺTranslational Medicineʺ. The strength of Fraunhofer IME lies in this broad spectrum of scientific and methodological expertise, enabling us to develop innovative and comprehensive solutions to the enormous challenges confronting society in areas such as sustainable agriculture, health and the bio economy. The institute has around 520 employees working at the locations Schmallenberg, Aachen, Münster, Gießen, Frankfurt/Main and Hamburg. Since 2014, Branch Lab ScreeningPort in Hamburg extends the expertise of the Fraunhofer IME in the field of »Translational Medicine« including drug discovery, biomarker identification and bioinformatics.
For more information: www.ime.fraunhofer.de/en/ScreeningPort