Jacobs University and SOS-Kinderdörfer intensify cooperation


16. November 2016

Currently, the worldwide children’s charity organization SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit and the Hermann-Gmeiner Fund are enabling four talented young people from Africa to study at Jacobs University; in the future it will be up to seven. This is envisioned in a memorandum of understanding that has now been signed by both sides. For several years already, Jacobs University has been offering especially gifted students who have grown up in the children’s villages of SOS-Kinderdörfer in Africa and Asia an opportunity to get a high-quality education. The private university charges these students substantially reduced tuition. That will remain so in the future. “Through their course of study at this international university, with its intercultural background and promotion of their social consciousness, stipend recipients can make an important contribution to the development of their country,” says Eva Kieczka, Presidential Scholarship Director of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit, who visited the campus in Bremen. During her visit, she also met with the current stipend recipients, who come from Ethiopia, Burundi, and Tanzania. All four attended the secondary school operated by SOS-Kinderdörfer in the West African country of Ghana and want to return to their home countries after getting their degrees. “Everyone profits from this agreement,” says Matthias Kramer, Head of Business Operations at Jacobs University. “It is a prime example of our Scholarship Funds, through which organizations, companies, or private persons can specifically support international talents, women in STEM disciplines, or students with special needs. Additional information:http://www.jacobs-university.de/collaborate/scholarship-fundshttp://www.sos-kinderdoerfer.de/

Kristina Logemann | Brand Management, Marketing & Communicationsk.logemann [at] jacobs-university.de | Tel.: +49 421 200-4454