To Jacobs University Bremen with the Federal Chancellor Fellowship

Doctoral student Xiaowei Liao is conducting research at Jacobs University Bremen with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Chancellor Fellowship. Sven Voelpel, Professor of Business Administration, is supporting her research. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


January 21, 2021
It is awarded to future leaders from China, India, Russia, the United States and Brazil, to ten people per year and country: with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Chancellor Fellowship, doctoral student Xiaowei Liao is conducting research at Jacobs University Bremen. Sven Voelpel, Professor of Business Administration at the English-speaking university, is supporting her research.

“Financial literacy”, in particular the financial competence of Generation Y, born between 1980 and 1995, is the central research topic of the doctoral student from Changsha University of Science and Technology in Hunan. The 28-year-old will also work on a comparative study of financial aid for students in China and Germany. “I would like to identify ways to improve the support for Chinese students for example," she explained.

Xiaowei Liao chose Jacobs University, amongst other reasons, because of its internationality and because of Professor Voelpel, her supervisor. "He maintains close contacts with Chinese universities, we share an interest in the topic of financial literacy, and Professor Voelpel helped me a lot with my application," she said. The scientist supports the research project, for example by providing access to data and to his network. "The exchange with Xiaowei Liao is inspiring and fun," added Professor Voelpel, who is mentoring a German Chancellor Fellowship holder for the first time.

Within the framework of joint program events, the fellowship holders can familiarize themselves intensively with the current social, political, cultural, economic and historical conditions in Germany. The fact that Germany is governed by a female chancellor and that a woman heads the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is exemplary for Xiaowei Liao: "That encourages me a lot. I dream of being a female leader like her."  
Questions are answered by:
Prof. Dr. Sven Voelpel
Professor of Business Administration
Tel: +49 421 200-3153
Email: s.voelpel [at]