Jacobs University Bremen introduces new model for student financing

Study first, pay later: This is the idea behind the new risk-free financing model for tuition fees, which Jacobs University Bremen will present on its admission days on 6 and 7 July 2019 (Source: Jacobs University). ,


July 1, 2019

Study first, pay later: This is the idea behind the new risk-free financing model for tuition fees, which Jacobs University Bremen will present on its admission days on 6 and 7 July 2019. "JUStudyAtEase", as it is called, is granted independently of parental income and is linked to future income. It gives students more freedom, flexibility, and security in their study and career planning. "Successful studies at Jacobs University should be independent of the student’s financial background," stresses Bannour Hadroug, Head of Student Marketing and Recruitment at the English-speaking university. "The model complements our existing scholarship offerings.”

JUStudyAtEase was developed together with Brain Capital as partner and will be offered to all students for the academic year 2019/2020. Instead of fixed installments, students will be able to repay a certain percentage of their income, spread over a maximum of ten years and linked to the amount of their current income. The repayment only starts when a minimum income is reached. If the income falls below this limit, the repayment is suspended. Regardless of whether a further course of study is planned, a longer stay abroad or the founding of a family – the model adapts to the respective life situation. At the same time, the study- and professional career can be planned independently of parental income.

JUStudyAtEase is an addition to the financing package that is offered to all applicants who have been admitted to Jacobs University. The package is calculated individually and consists of three components. The first is a possible scholarship, the awarding of which is based on the applicant's performance and social commitment. It can cover up to 75 percent of tuition fees and does not need to be repaid. The second is JUStudyAtEase, which is available to all successful applicants – the amount of which is calculated individually. And thirdly, there is the need-oriented component, which is based on family income.

Brain Capital, Jacobs University's partner in providing JUStudyAtEase, is regarded as one of the leading service providers for alternative student financing in Germany. The company was founded in 2005 at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management as a student initiative. It cooperates with numerous universities and colleges in Germany, including the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

More information: https://constructor-university.braincapital.de/