Jacobs University Bremen receives temporary state recognition until 2027



December 10, 2018

The Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection of the State of Bremen renews the state recognition of the private Jacobs University. The award of academic degrees in the federal State of Bremen is subject to the Bremen Higher Education Act. According to this law, academic degrees may only be awarded by state or state-recognized universities. Jacobs University received its first state recognition in 1999, the year in which the university was founded. This state recognition by the State of Bremen was renewed for the first time in 2010 and is now valid until 2027.

In order to ensure the high quality of teaching confirmed by the CHE, the Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection has agreed with Jacobs University that the legally binding accreditation of all Bachelor's and Master's degree programs will be achieved by 2022. If individual study programs are not accredited by then, the closure of these programs was stipulated.

The successful accreditation of the courses offered by Jacobs University is at the same time the basis for converting the state recognition, which is limited until the end of 2027, into an unlimited recognition.