Jacobs University Career Symposium 2017



September 21, 2017

One of the highlights of the Homecoming Reunion is the Jacobs Career Symposium, taking place on Friday September 22nd at 18:30 in the ICC.

The Symposium will discuss the topic of “Ways of Innovation- What is driving societal and economic change today?” and will feature a panel of six alumni participants joining us from all over Germany and outside of Europe, representing diverse study areas and professional disciplines.

The panel will deliberate the ways in which innovation is perceived and shaped by different players, and will allude to how Jacobs University has bolstered them, as former students, in becoming innovators, and furthermore how innovation is relevant to students and alumni in their personal and career development.

The Keynote Speaker for the Career Symposium will be Thomas Gloeckner, head of Innovation Management at Dräger AG & Co. KGaA.

This year’s Career Symposium will feature the first-ever discussion panel consisting of all alumni:

Sebastian Blümmert, Jacobs Alumni Class of 2011


Anna-Lena Schindl, Jacobs Alumni Class of 2012Rebecca Loeffer, Jacobs Alumni Class of 2011Mitul Jain, Jacobs Alumni Class of 2009Ewa A. Treitz, Jacobs Alumni Class of 2007Tonalli Arreola, Jacobs Alumni Class of 2012Mohsin Dar, Jacobs Alumni Class of 2013


More Information:

Petra Zarrath | Jacobs University | Career Services Coordinator
p.zarrath [at] jacobs-university.de | Tel.: +49 421 200-49-4212