Jacobs University invites you to a German-English-language discussion group



February 3, 2017

Hearing and speaking English, exchanging views, very casually, on the widest variety of topics. For more than two years already, Cynthia Nieland has been inviting students once a week to “English for JU.” The following evenings with external guests speaking about exciting topics build a good opportunity to get to know the German-English-language discussion group.

Originally, Cynthia Nieland initiated the free meeting to provide support to German-speaking sponsors of Jacobs University. That developed into an open group, which now includes participation by many students at Jacobs University who want to improve their German. So there is a lively back-and-forth among languages.

On UNESCO’s Day of the Mother Tongue on Wednesday February 22 th at 7 pm, author and artist Heide Marie Voigt will read short verses about world peace from the poem collection “Flucht” (“Flight”). The texts will then be presented by students at Jacobs University in the languages of their home countries.

The next date for a lecture in German language has also already been set.  On Wednesday March 15th at 7 pm, State Archeologist Professor Uta Halle of the Department of Prehistory and Ancient History of the Focke Museum will appear at “English for JU.” Her topic: archeological findings in Grohn that are more than 4000 years old.

Additional information and registration: Cynthia Nieland JU-Talk [at] web.de | Tel.: +49 421-632 214



Thomas Joppig | Brand Management, Marketing & Communications

t.joppig [at] jacobs-university.de | Tel.: +49 421 200-4504