Jacobs University looking for host families for incoming students



Would you like to learn about other cultures and broaden your horizon? Here is your chance to meet people from all corners of the world without having to travel far. Become a host parent for young people from across the globe who are starting their studies at Jacobs University in the fall semester. Joining the Jacobs University Host Family Program is great chance to not only discover new cultures, traditions and languages, but also to bring students closer to Bremen and the region.

August 20, 2015

At the end of August, new students will start their first semester at Jacob University and move into their new accommodation on campus in Bremen-Nord. For many of them it will be their first time away from home, family, and friends. The Jacobs University host family program is designed to help new students ease into their life in Bremen and to get to know their new neighborhood. “With the help of Bremen citizens we’d like to help our new students to settle down in their new home”, explains Connie Bröker, from Jacobs University’s Student Service Center.

When matching students and families, Connie Bröker and her colleague Jutta Eckhoff always take into account interests and language skills. Over the course of the decade they have helped to set up more than 1500 host family relationships.

A host family relationship ideally lasts for the student’s duration of study – three years in case of a bachelor student. “Many long-term friendships have developed even beyond that time,” says Jutta Eckhoff. “The program is a cultural enrichment for both sides,” adds Connie Bröker. “Our host families learn about campus life and university events, the students have the chance to be part of German family life.”

Future host parents should be open-minded and have an interest in the student’s life. They should also be able to hold basic conversations in English, say the program coordinators. “Everyone interested in the host family program is welcome, not matter whether it is married couples, singles, families, the elderly or young people,” says Connie Bröker.

To join the Host Family Program, please contact:
Jacobs University | Student Service Center
Connie Bröker & Jutta Eckhoff
Tues 14-16 p.m. | Thu 10-13 a.m.
0421-200 4208/-09 | hostfamilies [at] jacobs-university.de


Image credits: Familie Böhnert