Jacobs University scientist publishes textbook on organic and inorganic fluorine chemistry

Axel Haupt, postdoctoral fellow at Jacobs University Bremen, has published the new textbook on organic and inorganic fluorine chemistry. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


April 27, 2021
Fluorinated compounds are present in many everyday items, for example as non-stick coatings on kitchen utensils. In addition, the element fluorine plays an important role both in pharmaceutical ingredients and in medical diagnostics. In a textbook which has been published recently, Axel Haupt, postdoctoral fellow at Jacobs University Bremen, provides a comprehensive overview of synthesis protocols for organic and inorganic fluorinated compounds.

, Axel Haupt: Organic and Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry, Methods and Applications. De Gruyter, 2021.

"It is the book’s aim to teach the essential fundamentals of both inorganic and organic fluorine chemistry. Despite the greatly increased importance of fluorinated compounds in recent decades, there has been no textbook to date that covers both areas equally," said Haupt. The English-language, 626-page textbook is aimed primarily at chemistry students, but also at researchers at universities and in the industry. Exercise questions are included in each chapter to reinforce key aspects.

Axel Haupt has been conducting research at Jacobs University in the chemistry work group of Professor Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler since 2018. Previously, he received his PhD summa cum laude from Freie Universität Berlin under Professor Dieter Lentz.

Axel Haupt: Organic and Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry, Methods and Applications. De Gruyter, 2021, 626 pages, Price: 77,95 euros. https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110659337/html

More information
Dr. Axel Haupt
Postdoctoral Fellow
Tel: +49 421 200-3267
Email: a.haupt [at] jacobs-university.de