Join now: Host Family Program at Jacobs University is building bridges between cultures

Jacobs University's Host Family Program offers an enriching experience for both students and families from Bremen and environs. Photo: Jacobs University ,


April 26, 2018

It doesn’t take much: Enjoying spending time with young people, openness, basic knowledge of English. For its growing number of international students, Jacobs University is looking for more host parents. Those willing to support students get a lot back: Being a host is a window to the world – and it is not rare that lifelong friendships are formed.

Currently, about 500 households from Bremen and environs are offering students a little piece of home away from home. But many others would like to get to know Bremen and environs culture better with the help of their hosts - as well as culture, language and everyday life in Germany. This has a lot to do with the growth of Jacobs University. Within one year, the number of students rose from nearly 1.250 to nearly 1.400, with around 80% having relocated to Germany for their studies.

Many of them are just 17 and 18 years old; often they are away from their parents for the first time, and they have to find their way in a foreign land with a foreign language and a foreign culture. The host family program helps them to deal with that. Sometimes host families also provide practical assistance, for instance in understanding letters from government agencies.

The time requirements are less than many people think: Unlike student exchange programs, the students don’t live with the host families, but on campus. Students and their hosts decide together how often they see each other and what they do together. That can be a stroll through Bremen, a bicycle tour, or dinner.

Those who are interested in the host family program can call 0421/ 200 4208 or send an email to hostfamilies [at]


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