Keeping it real: Jacobs University let the hats fly

,  03. June 2016 Long live tradition: 365 graduates from more than 77 countries today let their hats fly at the graduation ceremony for the “Class of 2016”. Once again at the 13th graduation at Jacobs University, there were no injuries of any kind, emphasizes the President, Professor Katja Windt, with a wink of her eye. In advance, an international discussion had caused concern that the ritual of the so-called “hat toss” would no longer be performed due to the “danger of injury.” All those at Jacobs University decided that this was inconceivable and thus ended the solemn ceremony as in previous years with the image of the “flying hats.” “For the students, their families from all around the world, and naturally for our entire team, too, this moment is both moving and inspiring, a memory for life,” says Professor Katja Windt, President of the international university. The honored guests, such as the Mayor, Dr. Carsten Sieling, who emphasized the value of Jacobs University for Bremen, the Senator for Science, Professor Eva Quante-Brandt, and the guest speaker Constantin Schreiber, all expressed their enthusiasm. The author Constantin Schreiber, who was just honored with the prestigious Grimme-Preis (prize) and is the inventor of the talk show “Marhaba – Ankommen in Deutschland” (Marhaba – Arrival in Germany), emphasized how important it is to build a bridge between cultures and to activate interaction with and curiosity about one another, for which life on campus at Jacobs University serves as a model. Parents, relatives, and friends from around the world had traveled to the campus of the international university to share the experience of the graduation ceremony. The graduation also marks the conclusion of the academic year at the private university. President Windt expressed her joy over the “Class of 2016”: “We are very pleased with the outstanding achievements of our students. I am certain that they will continue successfully on their path and as ‘global game changers’ will find answers to the pressing questions of our time.” About 1,200 young people from over 100 nations study at the private university in Bremen. It is considered the most international of universities in Germany. Its standards of teaching and research are high; the curriculum has a practical, transdisciplinary, and global orientation. The degree programs in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, and economics consistently take top places in national and international rankings. The graduates are sought-after personnel in business, science, and politics.