Khaled Bagh receives Bremer Landesbank Stiftung scholarship



April 18, 2018

This year, Jacobs University is very proud to award one full scholarship, sponsored by the Bremer Landesbank Stiftung, for the Fall 2018 undergraduate intake.  This prestigious scholarship will cover full tuition for the regular study period of 3 academic years.

Our criteria for awarding this merit-based scholarship were: exceptional academic achievement, intellectual creativity, and the desire and motivation to make a difference in the world. These are all pillars of our educational ethos here at Jacobs University.  The standard of competition for the scholarship was extremely high, with many promising students making it onto our shortlist.  In the end, however, there was one student who really stood out to us.


Khaled Bagh was born in Damascus.  He lived in Syria, witnessing the unfolding conflict, until he finally moved, two years ago, to the Indian Himalayas. There, he fell in love with hiking, and continued to nurture his love of science and math, especially physics.  While still in Syria, he had competed in the National Physics Olympics, and from his new home in India, he took part in the Canadian Math Olympics – truly an international player! He also plays chess at international level, having been part of the Syrian national team until he left the country, representing Syria at the World Youth Chess Championships.  Projects he has been a part of at his school in India include an underwater robotics club, and a ‘gravity lamp’ project, related to green energy.  We are sure he will prove a great addition to our community here at Jacobs University, and we are excited to see what he makes of his opportunity with us!