Lateral thinkers and their ideas: TEDx event at Jacobs University

Pepe Dayaw (right) is a leftovers artist. He goes to people’s homes and makes a meal using what they still have left in their fridge. ,


March 08, 2018

Pepe Dayaw is a leftovers artist. He goes to people’s homes and makes a meal using what they still have left in their fridge. Jens Kempner has developed a model, acclaimed throughout Europe, for the integration of refugee academics at Bremen's state universities. Olle Bergmann deals with the question of how scientists can communicate their work successfully. And Alexis Goetz dedicates herself to a century-old tradition: preserving foodstuffs by fermentation with bacterial and fungal cultures.

These four speakers are part of the TEDx event on Saturday March 17 at Jacobs University's Campus Center. Presenting exciting ideas to the public, inspiring others – that is the motto of the innovation conference that originally started in the United States but is now held throughout the world. Svenja Kirsch and Andrej Pivčević, the two movers and shakers of the meeting at Jacobs University, have carefully selected the dandelion as their symbol. An idea matures in its stem, but the seeds need support, they need the wind, for the seeds to spread and thrive. They want to create this tailwind.

The public TEDx event covers a wide range of topics. Stina Scheer from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein-Institute) in Hanover talks about quantum physics. Heiko Grein presents Songs & Whispers, a network for musicians. Malte Marten and Alexander Mercks create ethereal sounds with the sheet steel instrument “Hang” and Ben Reid-Howells and Prashant Kumar report on their intercultural project, a very special trip from India to Scotland by motorbike.

The English-medium event is open to the public and visitors are very welcome. Tickets for the entire day are available for twelve euros, the entrance fee for half a day is eight euros. Students and staff of Jacobs University pay eight and five euros respectively.

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, Alexis Goetz dedicates herself to a century-old tradition: preserving foodstuffs by fermentation with bacterial and fungal cultures.