Constructor University Prof. Marc-Thorsten Hütt appointed Fellow at Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study

Marc-Thorsten Hütt
Marc-Thorsten Hütt, professor of computational systems biology at Constructor University, has been appointed as a Fellow at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS). (Source: Constructor University)

Marc-Thorsten Hütt, professor of computational systems biology at Constructor University in Bremen, has been appointed as a Fellow at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS). The six-month stay at HIAS will allow Hütt to pursue his research alongside top international researchers.

"I'm looking forward to the freedom to think about things that fall by the wayside in everyday university life," said Hütt. He will join the Institute for six months starting on September 1st. Hütt specializes in dynamical processes in networks. In his work, he tries to understand the relationships between network architecture and collective dynamic behavior with simple mathematical models. Examples of networks, where an understanding of collective behavior is of interest, include the brain, the network of biochemical reactions in a cell, or production networks in industry.

Each year, up to 20 fellows can work on their projects at HIAS for three to ten months. During this time, they are accommodated in the guest house of the University of Hamburg. The HIAS-concept also includes a tandem partner from the Hamburg scientific community. In Hütt's case, this is Professor Dr. Claus Hilgetag, director of the Institute for Computational Neuroscience at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, with whom he has been collaborating for a long time. "But I do not only want to continue this already existing cooperation," Hütt explained, "the HIAS stay also gives me the space to pursue some mathematical questions that have been on my mind for a while. Let's see where this leads."

International Fellows come from a wide range of scientific backgrounds and are given enriching opportunities for exchange and dialogue. "I'm really looking forward to that," said Hütt. He will maintain contact with the seven doctoral students in his research group at Constructor University, while a member of his team, Dr. Johannes Falk, takes over teaching in his absence. This substitution is funded by HIAS. "Knowing that my teaching is in good hands is an enormous relief for me."


About Constructor University:
Founded in 2001, Constructor University is a top-ranked, English-language, private university, with a campus in Bremen, Germany. With its interdisciplinary approach, advanced digital learning tools and accredited programs, it equips students with fundamental knowledge, critical thinking and practical skills to build their professional career and address the world’s most pressing challenges.
The University emphasizes a synergetic and entrepreneurial spirit, offering program mentoring from top-tier professors and industry experts. Partner collaborations include the Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Carnegie Mellon, the National University of Singapore, the University of Geneva, and industry references such as Anisoprint, JetBrains and ChemDiv.
Internationality and diversity lie at the heart of Constructor University, with more than 110 nations at its vibrant and close-knit campus community in Bremen. There, students enjoy active campus life, with access to clubs, professional networks and academic counselling, essential to their personal and academic growth.
Research-centric faculty projects at the University are funded by the German Research Foundation, the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation, and globally leading companies.  
The greater Constructor Knowledge ecosystem includes Constructor University in Bremen, Germany, and Constructor Institute in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.  It is a provider of education services with education tools, worldwide traditional and online educational services, as well as advisory and strategic services to education customers in the fields of student recruitment, communications, and marketing support.

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