The maturity of thinking - The opening of the academic year at Jacobs University

Over 500 students from 98 nations took part in the O-Week and are about to begin their studies at Jacobs University (Source: Jacobs University). ,


September 3, 2019

At the kick-off event at the beginning of the new academic year at Jacobs University, President Michael Hülsmann made a committed plea for the maturity of thinking. He addressed the more than 500 new students: "Be courageous! Leave the easy to live with comfort zone of your existing cognitive and affective capabilities. Dare to think for yourself and use the time at Jacobs University to develop your own independent thought patterns.”

The festive Annual Opening, the traditional kick-off event of the new academic year, also marks the end of the orientation week for the newcomers. During the O-Week they got to know Bremen as well as living and learning at Jacobs University. In addition to various campus activities, language tests and exploratory tours, the program included workshops for freshmen, which strengthened the intercultural awareness and skills of the international group.

“Being respectful with each other”, says Cäcilia Riederer, President of the Student Self-Government of Bachelor Students (USG), in her address at the Annual Opening Ceremony is "the cornerstone of living together at Jacobs University.” 

, At the kick-off event at the beginning of the new academic year at Jacobs University, President Michael Hülsmann made a committed plea for the maturity of thinking (Source: Jacobs University).

Courage, emphasizes Hülsmann in his welcome address to the "freshies", is the willingness to try something new, especially when the result is uncertain and there is resistance to overcome. The courage to think independently ultimately leads to more openness, tolerance and respect – core values that guide and determine everyday life at Jacobs University.

Over 500 students from 98 nations took part in the O-Week and are beginning their studies at Jacobs University these days. This makes the first-year class of 2019/2020 the largest in the history of the university. The English-medium campus university has received applications from over 130 countries.