New Master's program at Jacobs University: Data Science for Society and Business



January 27, 2021
Digital data are a valuable resource for society and the economy. They are regarded by many as the oil of the 21st century. How they can be extracted, processed and used sustainably is the focus of a new Master's program at Jacobs University Bremen. Data Science for Society and Business (DSSB), as the interdisciplinary, English-language program is called, opens up excellent future prospects for graduates in many professional fields.

, She coordinates the new Master's program at Jacobs University: Hilke Brockmann, Professor of Sociology. (Source: Jacobs University)

Why and how does data generate social and economic innovations at such a rapid pace today? Students will gain insights into these questions in the new Master's program Data Science for Society and Business at Jacobs University. "The program opens up profound and multifaceted access to the dynamic field of digital data analysis and the digitization of social life and business," explained Hilke Brockmann, Professor of Sociology, who, together with Adalbert Wilhelm, Professor of Statistics, coordinates the program at the international university in Bremen: "Across disciplines and in many concrete projects, we are learning about and researching Big Data using computer-based methods and theories of the social, economic, engineering and natural sciences."

The two-year Master's program is aimed particularly at students of social and economic sciences. However, the program can also be very interesting to graduates in the natural sciences or humanities, who would like to expand their knowledge in the areas of data analysis and quantitative social sciences. After all, the new course of study conveys innovative skills, tools and methods in the responsible handling of digital data. In addition, the modules offered are tailor-made and take individual interests and career plans into account. For example, courses from the three elective specializations Society & Business, Environment & Health and Advanced Data Science as well as self-chosen projects and application-oriented internships serve to build a personal profile.

The professional future prospects for graduates are varied and promising. Numerous career opportunities are open to them as data scientists, AI researchers, business intelligence analysts, data analysts, data protection experts, financial analysts, market researchers, medical data analysts and other quantitative analysts. "DSSB is a door opener for careers in all industries, in research, journalism, government or international organizations," said Brockmann. The program starts at the beginning of the 2021/22 academic year in September 2021. Applications are now open.

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