Nobel laureate and future astronaut speak at graduation

Of course the traditional hat toss shall not be missing when the students of Jacobs University graduate (Source: Jacobs University) ,


May 28, 2019

The graduation ceremony at Jacobs University Bremen on Friday, June 7, 2019, will be attended by two prominent women from the world of science – the future astronaut Dr. Insa Thiele-Eich and Prof. Ada E. Yonath. The structural biologist and two colleagues received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009. She will receive an honorary doctorate from Jacobs University during the graduation ceremony. "We are delighted to welcome two such different personalities for our graduation and are eager to hear what piece of advice they will give to our students," says Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann, President of Jacobs University. Almost 400 graduates will receive their certificates at the ceremony – never before in the history of the university, which was founded in 2001, has a graduating class been larger.

, Almost 400 graduates will receive their certificates at the ceremony – never before in the history of the university, which was founded in 2001, has a graduating class been larger (Source: Jacobs University)

Dr. Insa Thiele-Eich will be the keynote speaker at the graduation. In 2020, the meteorologist wants to be the first German woman to fly into space to the International Space Station ISS, where she will conduct scientific experiments as a visiting scientist. The mother of three was selected as one of two finalists from more than 400 applicants as part of the "The Astronaut" initiative. She is currently undergoing astronaut training. Her father, Dr. Gerhard Thiele, traveled to space in the year 2000.

The 79-year-old Ada E. Yonath is regarded as a pioneer in the structural elucidation of ribosomes, the protein factories of cells in which genetic information is converted into proteins. Among other things, her work contributed to clarifying the mechanism of action of many antibiotics, modifying existing active substances and developing new antibiotics. As one of very few women and the first Israeli woman, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009. She received many other awards, including the Albert Einstein World Award of Science and - for her life's work - the UNESCO L'Oréal Prize for Women in Science. She is still currently conducting research at the Weizmann Institute for Science in Israel.

The students of Jacobs University are actively shaping the celebration with musical contributions and speeches. Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann will welcome the many international guests. Sandro Giuliani, Managing Director of the Jacobs Foundation, will also give a welcome address. The graduation will conclude with the traditional hat toss.

Information for the media:
We cordially invite you to Graduation 2019:
Time: Friday 7 June 2019, 10 a.m.
Location: Jacobs University | Sports and Convention Center | Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen

Please contact Heiko Lammers by e-mail by June 5, 2019, noon at the latest, stating your medium, name, and function: presse [at]

Please understand that we can only grant access to registered journalists.

Photographs and films taken during graduation may only be used for editorial purposes if they relate to Jacobs University.

The traditional hat toss takes place directly after the ceremony at 12:30 p.m. on the stairs in front of the Campus Center, any cameras should be set up in advance. If it is not possible for you to be present in person, we will be happy to provide you with press photos and a press release.

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