"Outstanding graduates”: Google representative at Jacobs University's graduation ceremony


June 8, 2018

It was the joyful end of an impressive and moving ceremony. With the traditional toss of the graduation cap in the air, more than 300 graduates from 74 nations celebrated the end of their studies at Jacobs University. Prior to this, they had received their certificates and congratulations from Professor Dr. Michael Hülsmann, President of the international, private university.

In his speech, Hülsmann highlighted the spirit of the partnership and trust on the Jacobs University campus, despite all the cultural differences between the students from more than 100 nations in total. These differences are not perceived as a threat to the students’ own identity, but act as an impetus for reflection and expanding their horizons and therefore serve as daily enrichment. "If there were more communities like Jacobs University, the world would be a better place," he said to the applause of guests, including many parents, relatives and friends from around the world.

, Annette Kroeber-Riel, Google's Senior Director Public Policy & Government Relations, was the key note speaker at the graduation ceremony. Photo: Jacobs University

The keynote speaker was Annette Kroeber-Riel, Senior Director of Public Policy & Government Relations at Google, who spoke about the requirements of the digital world. She gave the graduates three ideas to take away: to think big, not too small, never to stop learning and to be diverse, because diversity leads to better results. Addressing the students directly, she emphasized: "You are our future, you are the foundation for companies like Google - international, highly educated, digital and diverse. Thanks to its interdisciplinary and intercultural educational approach, Jacobs University Bremen produces outstanding graduates who can enrich companies like Google with their expertise," said Kroeber-Riel.

Sandro Giuliani, Managing Director of the Jacobs Foundation, renewed the Foundation's support for the University in the coming decade. It must continue to pursue the goal of being an innovator in higher education in Germany and Europe. It needs to do so by intelligently combining interdisciplinary, intercultural and research-based education with the disruptive possibilities of digital online learning formats. He is convinced that this path offers great opportunities and perspectives for the further development of Jacobs University.

Senator for Economic Affairs, Martin Günthner, expressed his congratulations from the City of Bremen and from himself personally in a video message. The graduates of Jacobs University are his ambassadors for respect, tolerance and understanding, he said. “This makes them perfect ambassadors for everything that Bremen stands for.”

Watch the highlights:

Speeches from the Graduation Ceremony can be found on our YouTube Channel:

, The procession to the venue was headed by Jacobs University's new President Professor Michael Hülsmann. Photo: Jacobs University , Graduates of the "Class of 2018" at Jacobs University Bremen. Photo: Jacobs University , Graduates of the "Class of 2018" at Jacobs University Bremen. Photo: Jacobs University , Graduates of the "Class of 2018" at Jacobs University Bremen. Photo: Jacobs University , The graduation ceremony was an occasion to celebrate - not only for the graduates, but also for their parents, friends and families. Photo: Jacobs University , Jacobs University's choir J-Cappella at the graduation ceremony. Photo: Jacobs University , Graduates of the "Class of 2018" at Jacobs University Bremen. Photo: Jacobs University