"A Perfect Fit": Two New Scholars Take Up Their Studies at Jacobs University With Help From the Jacobs Alumni Association

Every year, the Alumni Association of Jacobs University Bremen awards scholarships to particularly gifted and ambitious international talents. On September 1, two scholarship holders will again begin their studies at Jacobs University. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


September 1, 2022
Every year, the Alumni Association of Jacobs University Bremen awards scholarships to particularly gifted and ambitious international talents who are also socially committed and have demonstrated financial need. The funding, financed by alumni donations and by their contributions to the Association, are granted for a period of three years. The scholarships also include a mentoring program; throughout their undergraduate studies, the scholarship holders are each supported by an alumnus or alumna.

What are they most looking forward to at Jacobs University? „Meeting its people,” said Yasmine Ammouze. “I can’t wait to meet the students, the staff, the professors, and to finally put faces to names,” Enes Yusuf Aksay added: “I really look forward to experiencing the diversity on campus. I've never been abroad before, and it will be amazing to be in a completely different environment with people from all around the world.”

, Yasmine Ammouze from Morocco will study Electrical and Computer Engineering (Source: Jacobs University/Yasmine Ammouze)

Yasmine grew up in Rabat, Morocco, Enes in Ankara, Türkiye. Yasmine will study Electrical and Computer Engineering, Enes chose Computer Science. Both share a passion for their field of study and both were looking for a top-notch, English-speaking university. „As someone who is interested in the multifaceted aspect of education, I believe that studying at Jacobs University is the perfect fit for me. Its education is known for its focus on diverse curriculums, intellectual challenges, as well as skill development,” said Yasmine.

The 18-year-old has a passion for Physics and Mathematics: “These two subjects are the embodiment of problem-solving and critical thinking skills. For this reason, I chose to major in Electrical and Computer Engineering as this program will enable me to develop and explore my interests in depth.” The selection committee of the Alumni Association was particularly impressed with her extracurricular performance. At her school, Yasmine was president of the Engineering Club, and through the Business and Entrepreneurship Club she started a jewelry business, donating the proceeds to a local children’s hospital. She also runs an Instagram account to encourage more girls to study STEM subjects (@womeninstem.unite).

, Enes Yusuf Aksay from Turkey will study Computer Science (Source: Jacobs University/Enes Yusuf Aksay)

Enes has been utilizing Computers ever since he was a child. “Eventually I started to inquire about how these machines actually work. Since they have been a part of my life for so long, I figured that I would continue to learn more about them”, he said. Something the selection committee found inspiring about his application was his essay detailing his early experience working on a science fair project and reflecting on the importance of opportunities on one's path. He started out unaware of his abilities and developed his skills out of curiosity. Now he demonstrates a strong intention to pursue his interest at Jacobs University.

Enes first learned about Jacobs University at a presentation given at his high school in Ankara. Before that, the 18-year-old was not considering applying to a German university because he does not speak German. “Yet with its English-taught programs, campus experience, and international student body, I changed my mind”, he said.

When asked what the scholarship means to her, Yasmine answered: “For me it represents a chance to reach my educational and professional goals”, said Yasmine. “It would have been harder, even impossible to join my dream school without it.”

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