Piano to forte: a musical journey around the world at Jacobs University


26. September 2016

Young people from more than a hundred countries study at Jacobs University. The different musical talents slumbering inside them are shown each autumn at the “Piano to forte” concerts, which will take place this year on Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th of October. It starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Cinema at Jacobs University. In colorfully mixed ensembles, the approximately 40 young musicians play classic pieces known around the world in the genres of classic, jazz, and rock, as well as traditional melodies from the home countries of the students. Among others, J-Cappella, the Jacobs University choir, will also be there. Piano to forte will take place for the seventh time this fall – and has already become a real success story at Jacobs University: The initially still informal concert evenings have since become the largest event organized by students at Jacobs University – with up to 900 attending on the two days. Each year anew, these concert evenings provide an impressive demonstration of the variety and the special international community of Jacobs University. Through their attendance, the concert-goers also support a good cause, because the proceeds from the concerts traditionally go to the student association G.I.V.E. (Gegenseitig Inspirieren, Vielfalt Erleben), which is German for Mutually Inspire, Experience Variety. The association supports various projects of the international students, who are active in the city and the immediate environs. When: Admittance starting at 7:00 p.m., start 7:30 p.m.Where: Cinema, Campus Jacobs UniversityAdmission price: 8 Euro regular, discount 3 Euro.Reservations: Tickets can be reserved online either at the web site: http://bit.ly/book-ppff or by email to Leonhard Kuboschek. He can be reached at the email address l.kuboschek [at] jacobs-university.de.

Contact:Christian Langer | Brand Management, Marketing & Communicationsc.langer [at] jacobs-university.de | Tel.: +49 421 200-4454