Promoting international talent: the Jacobs University Alumni Association awards scholarships to three women

Rubaa Yawar from Pakistan and Vivian Lopez from Honduras began their studies at Jacobs University on September 1st. In addition to financial support, they also receive mentoring from the Alumni Association (Source: Jacobs University). ,


September 14, 2021
They are talented, ambitious, and they aspired to study at Jacobs University – this was made possible by scholarships by the Jacobs Alumni Association, an association of graduates of the English-speaking campus university. Three women, Nikol Kripa, Vivian Lopez and Rubaa Yawar, received the funding. "They embody the 'Jacobs Spirit' in an extraordinary way which stands for academic excellence, diversity and commitment to the common good," said Stefan Rustler, President of the Association. “The scholarship recipients will now be able to get the same experiences that have already had a lasting positive impact on the lives of so many other Jacobs alumni," he stated.

, Two of the Alumni Scholarship holders have chosen majors in the natural sciences. Nikol Kripa from Albania, for example, hs decided to study chemistry and biotechnology at Jacobs University (source: Jacobs University).

Two of the scholarship holders have chosen to pursue scientific subjects. Nikol Kripa from Albania will study Chemistry and Biotechnology at Jacobs University. What she particularly likes about the study program is that students also have the opportunity to do research and still specialize in another field, for example by choosing a minor subject. "With a bachelor's degree from Jacobs University, I will receive a high-quality education that will enable me to have a bright, professional future," Nikol is certain.

Rubaa Yawar, who has chosen Biochemistry and Cell Biology, feels the same way. Growing up in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, she became enthusiastic about international cultures and ways of living early on. Rubaa originally wanted to come to Bremen-Nord last year, but due to Corona, her arrival was delayed. "Jacobs University convinced me with its academic content and the diversity of its students. Here, I will continue to develop professionally and as a person," she explained.

Rounding out the trio is Vivian Lopez from Honduras, who is studying Industrial Engineering & Management. "I've always wondered how to do something better, faster, and more efficiently, and that's exactly what the subject is all about," she said. Vivian came across Jacobs University through a Google search. She was immediately attracted by the internationality and diversity of the students and faculty. When asked about her initial experience with Jacobs, she mentioned "the university supported me in every way during my application. I am very grateful for that, and I am very much looking forward to my studies."

The scholarships of the Alumni Association, which has more than 1,600 members worldwide, are granted for a period of three years. In addition to financial support, they also include a mentoring program; throughout their studies, the scholarship holders are each supported by an alumnus or alumna. The scholarships are financed by alumni donations and by their contributions to the Association. In this way, they want to support an institution that has not only shaped their academic lives, but also their personal lives and their views of the world.

Further scholarships with alumni participation are awarded by the Jacobs Foundation of America (JUFA). JUFA is a non-profit organization in the United States that supports Jacobs University in Bremen. Its activities in the U.S. include fundraising, providing scholarships, and networking former students. JUFA recently renewed its scholarship support for another five years. The Claus Halle Scholarship commemorates JUFA's philanthropist and founder. It is aimed at students from the United States. The Ronny Wells Scholarship is awarded in honor of Dr. Raymond (Ronny) Wells, who played an important role in the founding of Jacobs University. The scholarship is open to every nationality.

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