Psychology in the 21st Century: Free workshop at Jacobs University Bremen

The psychology workshop of the Jacobs University will provide information on perspectives, occupational fields and requirements. ,


April 30, 2019

Digitization, diversity and demographic changes not only impact the world environment, they also create new needs and opportunities for future psychologists. The workshop “Psychology in the 21st Century” on 25 May from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Jacobs University will provide information on perspectives, occupational fields and requirements for future Master's students. The number of participants is limited, registration is required.

How can psychologists help shape the future-oriented development of our diverse society in counseling, research or therapy? What contribution can psychotherapy make in the future to keep people mentally and physically healthy? How do I secure a place in the Psychology Master's program, what specializations are there – and what does the Master's program at Jacobs University offer?

Professors from the international, English-speaking university will answer questions such as these in the workshop. They will also answer any questions you may have about the Master's program. The program is complemented by a campus tour, catering is provided and all participants receive a certificate.

Registration and further information under: