Record number of students at Jacobs University Bremen

More young people are studying at Jacobs University than ever before. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


December 9, 2021
More young people are studying at Jacobs University than ever before. 1,607 students are currently enrolled at the English-language university in Bremen, compared to 1,556 a year ago. The outstanding performance in international university rankings is a major contributor to this growth. Jacobs University is the only German university in the worldwide THE Small University Ranking and occupies an excellent 13th place.

Just how attractive Jacobs University is, especially for foreign students, is demonstrated by the number of 118 nations represented on campus. This makes Jacobs University the most international university in Germany. A good third of the students come from Asia, especially from India, China, Pakistan, and Nepal. Another third comes from Europe, with Germany as the country of origin accounting for the largest share with 16 percent of students. The U.S. is also represented among the top 10 nations, accounting for five percent of students.

This fall semester 2021/22, 321 bachelor's students, 63 master's students, and 51 doctoral students began their studies. The Foundation Year, the one-year introductory study program, was taken up by 34 participants. The most popular subjects among the new bachelor students were Computer Science, Industrial Engineering and Management, and Biochemistry and Cell Biology.
One reason for the private university's success is its repeatedly very good ranking in national and international university comparisons. In the current ranking of the world's best small universities by the renowned magazine "Times Higher Education" (THE), Jacobs University occupies a very good 13th place. Universities that have fewer than 5,000 students, teach more than four subjects and have already been represented in the THE World University Rankings 2019 qualified for the ranking.

This year, Jacobs University already achieved top positions in THE World University Ranking 2022 by Subject, in the general THE Ranking, in the EU-oriented U-Multirank, and in the CHE Ranking, the most detailed university ranking in the German-speaking world.
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