Research in Mathematics: New Projects at Jacobs University Bremen



November 13, 2018

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding two new research projects by mathematicians at Jacobs University. Both projects are addressing fundamental questions in mathematics. Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver's project concerns complex multi-scale problems in mathematical physics. His colleague Prof. Dr. Ivan B. Penkov follows in the footsteps of the mathematician Hermann Weyl, who conducted research into mathematical representation theory. The projects are funded by the DFG with an approximate total of 300,000 Euros.

Prof. Oliver has set himself the goal of identifying and extracting simplified subsystems from more complex Hamilton systems. He explores some new methodology from a mathematical point of view, using an equation from quantum mechanics as his main example. Other potential fields of application include fluid mechanics and molecular dynamics.
Mathematical representation theory investigates symmetries seen as mathematical objects. Prof. Penkov considers symmetries that act in ever larger spaces and aims at developing a mathematical language which describes the stabilization or non-stabilization of different properties of such series of symmetries.

Questions will be answered by:
Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver | Professor of Mathematics
m.oliver [at] | +49 421 200-3212
Prof. Dr. Ivan B. Penkov | Professor of Mathematics
i.penkov [at] | +49 421 200-3219