Research objective: Better services for people

Dr. Christoph Lattemann, Professor of Business Administration and Information Management at Jacobs University Bremen ,


October 24, 2018

No matter whether it's childcare, care, mobility, education or neighbourhood services: In contrast to industry, there has been little sign of comprehensive digitization in such person-related services to date. But that is just changing. In an interdisciplinary joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the participation of Jacobs University Bremen, scientists want to find out how new solutions and offers for tomorrow's services are created and could look like.

"There is enormous potential in this sector, which is still far from being exploited," says Dr. Christoph Lattemann, Professor of Business Administration and Information Management at Jacobs University. The aging and individualization of society is increasing the demand for personal services that are tailored to the needs of users. Digital media can bring the participants together in an interactive process, from which new business fields and offers emerge.

The scientific accompanying project on person-related services is coordinated through the Department of Information Management of the Technical University Braunschweig by Prof. Dr. Susanne Robra-Bissantz and the research center Together with the colleagues from Brunswick, the team at Jacobs University around Lattemann and his colleagues Beke Redlich, Simon Fischer and Ricardo Guerrero act as a kind of personal service itself. They link the eight research projects involved with a total of 46 participating institutions, bring the findings together, discuss and disseminate them with experts, companies and other stakeholders and make them available to the general public via a digital platform. At the same time, the scientists also conduct their own research, for example on an analysis grid for the classification of person-related services.

The project is funded by the BMBF with a total of approximately 1.7 million euros over a period of three and a half years. Jacobs University will receive 660,000 euros of this amount.

Questions will be answered by:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lattemann | Professor of Business Administration and Information Management
c.lattemann [at] | Tel: +49 421 200-3460

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