Searching for evidence in a test tube


May 29, 2017

MINT-EC-Camp DNA Analysis from May 29th to June 2nd at Jacobs University Bremen: For 20 students from schools of the national excellence school network MINT-EC, today marks the start of the MINT-EC camp on the topic of DNA analysis at Jacobs University Bremen. During the research camp, the students will work in labs and get to know student life in lectures and seminars.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method of modern molecular biology that makes it possible to reproduce DNA sequences in a targeted manner. PCR is therefore used not only in research labs but is also a central element in modern medical diagnostics. Furthermore, PCR is also used in securing evidence and in forensics as well as in detecting genetic modifications. During the MINT-EC camp at Jacobs University Bremen, the students will use PCR in two different tests: For one thing, they will test agricultural plants of different origins for genetic modifications by checking the presence of resistance to a herbicide (weed killer). In a second test, the young people will isolate DNA from human oral mucosal cells and copy so-called “minisatellite DNA,” which can be used in modern analytics to produce a genetic fingerprint. The theory for the tests will be conveyed in lectures; the results will be analysed and discussed in seminars. In a subsequent mini-symposium, the various uses of PCR as well as the advantages and dangers of modern genetic analysis will be discussed.

Note to editors: A list of the schools of the participants is found below. We will be happy to send statements and photos to you upon request.

About MINT-EC – the national excellence school network
MINT-EC is the national excellence network of schools with Secondary Level II and a marked profile in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It was founded by employers in the year 2000 and works closely with regional educational initiatives. MINT-EC offers a broad selection of events and promotional opportunities for students as well as continued education and technical exchange programs for teachers and school administrators. The network with a current 267 certified schools, 289,500 students, and 22,700 teachers carries out its activities under the auspices of the Culture
Minister Conference (KMK) of the states. The main sponsors of MINT-EC are the German metalworker employers association Arbeitgeberverband Gesamtmetall under the think ING initiative along with the Bavarian employer associations vbm bayme / vbw.

About Jacobs University
Jacobs University is a private, independent, English-language university in Bremen. Young people from all over the world study here in preparatory, Bachelor, Master, and PhD programs. Internationality and transdisciplinarity are special features of Jacobs University: research and teaching don’t just pursue a single approach, they address issues from the perspectives of multiple disciplines. This principle makes Jacobs graduates highly sought-after new talents who successfully strike out on international career paths.

Contact for the Press
Jacobs University:
Thomas Joppig | Brand Management, Marketing & Communications
t.joppig [at] | Tel.: +49 421 200-4504
Jana Zielsdorf | Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
zielsdorf [at] | Tel.: 030-4000 67-37

School, City Federal State/Country
Primo-Levi-Gymnasium, Berlin Berlin
International School of Bremen, Bremen Bremen
Goetheschule, Wetzlar Hesse
Johanneum Gymnasium, Herborn Hesse
Modellschule Obersberg, Bad Hersfeld Hesse
Marion-Dönhoff-Gymnasium, Nienburg Lower Saxony
Ubbo-Emmius-Gymnasium, Leer Lower Saxony
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium, Bornheim North Rhine-Westphalia
Ceciliengymnasium, Bielefeld North Rhine-Westphalia
Gymnasium Haus Overbach, Jülich North Rhine-Westphalia
Gymnasium Laurentianum, Warendorf North Rhine-Westphalia
Math.-Nat. Gymnasium, Mönchengladbach North Rhine-Westphalia
Maximilian-Kolbe-Gymnasium, Wegberg North Rhine-Westphalia
Nicolaus-Cusanus-Gymnasium, Bonn North Rhine-Westphalia
Reinhard und Max Mannesmann-Gymnasium, Duisburg North Rhine-Westphalia
Röntgen-Gymnasium, Remscheid North Rhine-Westphalia
St.-Antonius-Gymnasium, Lüdinghausen North Rhine-Westphalia
Istanbul Lisesi, Cağaloğlu-Istanbul Turkey