Secure your study place. In just one day! Jacobs University Bremen invites to the admission days

Thanks to a personal selection procedure on site, applicants can find out within a few hours whether they receive a study place at the international, English-language campus university (Source: Jacobs University). ,


June 26, 2019

Applying for a study place can be tedious and time-consuming; not so on the admission days of Jacobs University Bremen on 6 and 7 July. Thanks to a personal admission procedure on site, applicants can find out within a few hours whether they receive a study place at the international, English-language campus university – and possibly even a scholarship. Since the number of participants is limited, early registration is recommended.

In times of the internet, personal contact and personal consultation are still important – that's why applicants and their parents get to know Jacobs University from A to Z on the admission days. No question will remain unanswered – in the info lounge professors, students and the executive leadership answer questions about study contents, semesters abroad and career opportunities. Applicants can find out what life on campus is like from a student's point of view during a guided campus tour.

Applicants who are interested in a Bachelor's degree or the Foundation Year, the academic preparation year, should have passed the German school leaving examination “Abitur” and carry their identity card with them. Applicants for a Master's program should complete their Bachelor's degree by September 2019. For their application, they need to have a curriculum vitae, a transcript of records of their courses and grades as well as their identity card with them. The suitability of the candidate will be determined in an individual selection interview in English. Applicants will also learn about the possible amount of a performance-based scholarship on site and have the chance to get information on the financing program.

The admission decision is made within a few hours, successful applicants can, however, take a few days to accept the study place.

Registration and further information: