A student explains: Why young Indians should study at Jacobs University, Germany

,  May 10, 2016 “Jacobs is an amazing place, it will change your life,” says Ifrah Khanyaree, who was raised in Srinagar, but lived most of his life in Delhi. “I would urge anyone looking for an opportunity to learn and thrive in an international, intellectually stimulating community, while receiving a top-notch education and a passion for knowledge, to apply,” he adds. From May 9 to May 13, 2016, prospective students from India will have the chance to speak with an admissions officer and students at Jacobs University via video-chat and get first-hand information about campus life and student experiences. Ifrah, who is studying Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience in his third and final year, chose Jacobs because he wanted to live and study in Europe while receiving an education in English and studying in an international environment. “Being here at Jacobs and in Germany has been, and will remain, one of the most influential periods of my life. It’s incomparable. I love the diversity of people on my campus while still allowing for it to be a close-knit community. I think the people who you meet here are a huge part of your college life and it is unlike anything anyone would ever have the chance to experience.” At Germany’s most international university, there are around 1,200 bright minds from more than 100 countries. They live on campus in comfortable colleges. The common language is English, and German language courses are part of the education. A host family program is provided to acquaint them with German culture.  “I also like the fact that my major is transdisciplinary, allowing me to study related fields within my major area of study, which in turn keeps a lot more options open after graduation,” he says. The Jacobs University curriculum ranges from natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering to social sciences and economics. Students can earn an internationally recognized Bachelor, Master, or PhD degree, or can take part in pre-degree programs. Class sizes are small, so that there is close interaction with faculty members and fellow students. Admission to Jacobs University, however, is highly selective. It is based on a candidate’s academic and extra-curricular achievements. Applications should be submitted via CommonApp by July 1, 2016. More information about the admissions process and the financial assistance program will be provided during the video-chat counseling days from May 9 to May 13. Prospective students can register online at http://jacobs-university.de/oca-registration. Places for the video-chat are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. http://www.jacobs-university.de/chat/en. Additional information and registration at:http://jacobs-university.de/oca-registration Questions will be answered by:Aylin Berktas | Online Marketing and Student Recruitment Officera.berktas [at] jacobs-university.de | Tel.: +49-421-200-3196