Student Founds Virtual Reality Lab at Jacobs University

Virtual Reality has long surpassed the world of gaming and is currently being used in many different areas in business and academics. Nicklas wants to share his knowledge and experience in the virtual reality lab with his fellow classmates. (Source: Jacobs University) ,


May 5, 2022
It was always clear to him that he would do "something with technology," said Nicklas Vorrink, "I love technology.” Only what that particular ‘something’ could be, he didn't know for a long time. That changed when he was given a pair of virtual reality goggles by a company after an internship- "It's such cool technology," he exclaimed. Now Nicklas, who is studying Industrial Engineering & Management, founded a Virtual Reality (VR) Lab at Jacobs University Bremen. He wants to show students and companies how they can use the technology for their needs.

, Nicklas Vorrink, Industrial Engineering & Management student at Jacobs University is looking forward to expanding the VR scene on campus. (Source: Jacobs University)

Gamers have long appreciated the bulky goggles, but virtual reality has also long since arrived in the business world. "The immersive feeling can't be compared to anything else," Nicklas said. Whether it's employee training, sales, new product development, tourism, crafts or healthcare, "there is an incredible number of applications," he explained.

Bringing technology to as many people as possible, and creating a place where they can simply try it out - Nicklas approached Jacobs University with this idea and it provided space and resources. The Undergraduate Student Government supported the project financially. It has its own budget and supports projects as long as they are accessible to all students and benefit everyone. Thus, a virtual reality lab was created on campus, equipped with several VR goggles, with screens and clean boxes that clean the headsets.

, The virtual reality lab was created on campus, equipped with several VR goggles, with screens and clean boxes- all of which are accessible to students of Jacobs University. (Source: Jacobs University)

Not only students should benefit from the Lab, but also small and medium-sized companies. How does VR work? What does it take? How can I make it work for me? "I want to create a manual in which I explain the technology and make it available to companies free of charge," said the 23-year-old. This guide is also the subject of his bachelor's thesis.

The Bremen native, who graduated from the Rübekamp School Center, will complete his studies in the summer and is looking forward to the graduation festivities. He is already recruiting fellow students for his lab, who will then be able to take it further. What does he take away from the university apart from the learning content? "It's the phrase: If you're ever in my country, I have a bed for you," he said. “In college, I've met so many people from so many countries who have invited me to visit. That's really great. I've always wanted to travel," he explained when highlighting the international character of the institution.

So it's quite possible that Nicklas will be on the road for a while after he finishes his studies - in real life, not virtually. However, he also wants to deal with VR technology professionally: "I'm sure something will come up."

This text is part of the series "Faces of Jacobs," in which Jacobs University introduces students, alumni, professors, and staff. More episodes can be found at