Student numbers at Jacobs University at a record high


October 23, 2017

The number of students at Jacobs University has reached a new record high. 1,396 young people from 107 countries are currently studying at the English-medium, private University in Bremen North. One year ago, this number stood at 1,244.

“The numbers prove how attractive our offering is for students from all over the world,” says University President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katja Windt. In the Bachelors segment alone, the number of applications increased by 27 percent compared to the previous year. “Young talents from a variety of countries and cultures come to us. The new figures show that we can maintain the high standards we require of applicants and grow at the same time. Jacobs University is in demand and we are proud of that.” The University was able to refer to an increase in revenues already when presenting its Annual Report for 2016.

508 young people took up their study places at the international University at the beginning of the new academic year. In the previous year this figure stood at 470. This means that the number of students starting their studies at the international, English-medium University has increased for the fourth time in succession.

300 students started studying for their Bachelor degree alone. Here, the English-medium Jacobs University offers 15 different programs, from Computer Science through to Chemistry and International Relations. The Masters programs were attended by 89 students this year. The University also offers doctorates with the number of new PhD students at 58. A further 61 young people have registered for one of the two preparatory years offered to school leavers, the Foundation Year and the Medical Preparatory Year. Currently, 1,396 young people from more than 100 countries are studying at Jacobs University; in the previous year, this number stood at 1,244.

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