Ten LISEGA stipends for students of Jacobs University



December 13, 2017

Ten stipends of LISEGA SE have now been awarded to students of Jacobs University. For the recipients, the world market leader in pipe support systems is assuming the costs for tuition and housing at Jacobs University. In return, this enables the company to form a bond with top talent from around the world.
The company from Zeven is participating in the Corporate Stipend Program of Jacobs University. In this cooperative program, companies finance stipends for talented students in selected disciplines. In this way, they also open up the possibility of winning over young talent for their own company. Whether through internships during a student’s course of study, through thesis work related to the company, or by having the option to hire students after they get their degree.
For the Chairman of the Board of LISEGA SE, Dr. Georg Friberg, these are interesting possibilities: “For one thing, as an international company with branches in Great Britain, France, the USA, India and China, we are convinced by the intercultural orientation of Jacobs University. For another, we live in a time in which technical achievements are indeed ever-present, but compared to the gigantic demand in the workplace, too few beginning students are deciding to study technical sciences.  As a result, in the work world, we have a scarcity of starting professionals with an enthusiasm for technology,” says Friberg.
“We, therefore, want to create incentives ourselves to encourage young people to start a course of study in technology,” adds Chairman of the Supervisory Board and company co-founder Hans-Herlof Hardtke, who initiated the cooperation and whose foundation finances the stipends. “For me, business success and social responsibility go together. With the stipends, we want to reach young people who otherwise could not afford such a course of study. At the same time, we look forward to the impulses and ideas with which the graduates will enrich our company.”
Professor Katja Windt, President of Jacobs University, is also pleased about the contract with LISEGA: “The work world entails ever more complex challenges. Our goal is to prepare students as well as possible for professional life. The commitment of companies like LISEGA gives this opportunity to our students.” At the same time, the Corporate Stipend Program is also an opportunity for companies. “Our graduates are open-minded and, even though they have sound technical knowledge, they think beyond the boundaries of their disciplines. Those who support them at an early stage can simultaneously counteract the scarcity of technical personnel.”

Additional information:
Corporate Stipend Program

, From left to right (rear row): Predrag Tapavicki, Head of Corporate Relations and Talent Management at Jacobs University with the students Angela Mitrovska, Diana Volkova, Ganbold Adilbish, Muhammad Faizan, Faraz Jamal; Front row: Dr. Tanja Woebs, Corporate Relations and Talent Programs Officer at Jacobs University with the students Larissa de Morais, Irsida Mana, Iulia Cornea, Obed Niyomwungeri. The tenth stipend recipient, student Abdullah Tayyab, is missing. , At a visit at the LISEGA plant, students got an impression of the company: Rear Row (from left to right): Predrag Tapavicki, Head of Corporate Relations and Talent Management at Jacobs University with the students Obed Niyomwungeri, Ganbold Adilbish and Muhammad Faizan, and Dr. Holger Leistner, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, and Peter Vogt, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at LISEGA SE, front row: Dr. Tanja Woebs, Corporate Relations and Talent Programs Officer at Jacobs University with the students, Iulia Cornea and Irsida Mana.